13 February, 2009

Anchors Aweigh

I was pleasantly surprised this Wednesday when I found out that I had been professionally recommended by the board to become a Civil Engineer Corps officer in the United States Navy. It capped off nearly a year long process of putting together an application, getting back in shape, and long periods of waiting for all of the paper to make its way through the system. I should receive a final selection letter anywhere from a few weeks to a few months from now. That letter will give me the magical date upon which I'm to report to Newport, Rhode Island for the fun 12 weeks of Officer Candidate School. After OCS it's off to Port Hueneme, California for 15 weeks of Civil Engineer Corps Officer School. After CECOS it's off to the real Navy and whatever challenges it has in store for me. It feels great and I'm eager to get the ball rolling.
That being said, it's time to bring the short and sporadic life of the blog to a close. Things will be quite busy for the near future and I think I'll pursue other avenues to vent any ramblings in the future. I hope my massive readership will forgive me for throwing in the towel. I've had a blast writing this stuff, though I'm nowhere near regular enough to warrant continued blogdom. Thanks to those who took the time to read and respond, it's been fun!
God bless each and every one of you and please keep the fine men and women of the Navy in your prayers as I prepare to join their ranks.
For those who might be at all interested in what I'm getting into, check out the following links:
http://www.navfac.navy.mil/ - Naval Facilities Command website
http://www.cec.navy.mil/ - Civil Engineer Corps Accession website
http://www.seabee.navy.mil/ - Naval Construction Force website
Pushed to the Limit - a fun multi-part overview of Officer Candidate School

1 comment:

Convenor said...

Would you mind letting your readers know about the December issue of our journal 'CHRISTVS REGNAT':


You are most welcome to link to/follow/blogroll our blog:


Please pray for me!

God bless you!

St. Conleth's Catholic Heritage Association (Ireland)