21 September, 2007

Isn't it Ironic...

Politics, Sweet! Our much esteemed and lauded Presidential Wannabes are knee deep in the political two-step nowadays, hitting all of the hot spots and dropping sound bytes like so many tons of lead…which leads me to the recent GOP hit and run on the NRA. (I know, too many puns, I just can’t help it.)

Consider the following gem:

The audience of about 500 people gave a warmer reception to Thompson, the former Tennessee senator who announced his campaign this month. Some stood and cheered as Thompson said: "Our basic rights come from God, not from government.”

What this has to do with anything was certainly lost on most in attendance who stood and cheered, tears in their eyes, as they thought of God’s big smile down upon the righteous gun aficionados. This would be slightly humorous if not for the oddly twisted fact that I’m sure many in the audience would be less than enthused to hear that same remark in reference to some of the more “nuanced” applications of universal rights so beloved by the Republicans nowadays. Lest I offend any ultra-conservative readers, I’ll avoid using the word tortu…oops.

All that being said I support the right to own guns. (Just trying to avoid the knee-jerk commie response…)


Anonymous said...

I never know how to handle the gun argument. I was raised with an over and under shotgun and bolt action rifle in a case in our living rooms. My father had been an avid bird hunter. I was taught to shot and clean (if you every fired a gun growing up you then spent 2o minutes cleaning the damn thing. It kind of took the fun out of shooting; which I believe was my father’s point.) I like shooting clay pigeons, my dad and I go out to a range about once a year. But the things scare me, handguns more so than anything. I have always thought we should keep the riffles and shotguns and do away with all the hand guns. And for the long barreled range weapons we keep, my dad will come by and make people clean them. He is about to retire and would enjoy this job.

Matt said...

I'm all for some gun control - I support waiting periods and I won't lose sleep because someone can't buy the latest street sweeper either. Besides, that's kind of unfair for the poor pheasants and doves. At least make hunters maintain some sort of skill level...

I, like most Americans, fall somewhere between the gun-control lobby and the NRA. Gee, a moderate position, who knew?