16 January, 2008

Christendom, The Sequel: Insert Pithy Subtitle Here

Welcome to that purely American hell of superficiality that we, kind ranchers that we are, brand with the unassuming and altogether benign name of “Election Year”. Of course we all know what a gigantic pain in the backside that red-hot poker is as it labels us red or blue, commie or corporate whore. In honor of the big dance I want to throw out some purely philosophical questions and vague statements in the hopes of generating some sort of meaningful debate in the midst of the quintessential American Enema.

Here goes:

I. Is there a New Christendom out there to be obtained? What does it look like?

II. The American Popular Religion of personal belief sacrificed at the altar of public service is neither religious nor popular. Discuss…

III. What is a sensible theological endgame in the arena of public service and governance? Asked another way: What does a purely Christian method of governance divorced from Christianity look like?

IV. Is America the Greatest Force for Good the World has Ever Known? If not, turn in your GOP card to Sean Hannity and please defend your blatant blasphemy.

In all seriousness as I turn off the sarcasm – I want to know what my devoted handful of readers expects from Christianity in public and civic life. This will be a bit of a theme for the year that I hope to touch on from multiple angles in the hopes of coming to grips with my own little collision of Christianity with the wider world. Happy Election Year everyone…it’s going to hurt like you know what.


Anonymous said...


I have been meaning to comment on this for some time, but the questions you lay out are very deep and it takes a bit of chewing to even begin to formulate an answer. These are THE questions for contemporary Christians in America.

Matter of fact, I think I'll link to this over at my blog, and pool my half-dozen readers with yours!

Matt said...

Excellent idea Tim - I knew when I posted this that it would be a hard one to answer on a whim. It gives me something to think about and post on during an election year. It's definitely a hard question to grapple with, which is exactly why I tried to use a small bit of humor in posing it.