11 September, 2007

Welcome to Pillar and Foundation

We’ve finally taken the plunge...Starting today we will be subjecting our poor readers to an inconsistent and possibly incoherent collection of thoughts, musings, ramblings, critiques, and treatises on the state of the Church and its relationship to culture.

Well, at least that’s the plan. We’ll probably also delve into who’s playing the best football right now (hopefully not Alabama or Florida) and why we love that episode of The West Wing we watched last night for the fourteenth time. Because in the end we can’t always wax eloquent on the virtues of sacred polyphony or the effects of modernism on contemporary church architecture.

We will do our best to provoke some discussion and entertain at the same time. Don’t be afraid to leave your comments and let us know how we’re doing. Help us understand the Church in its proper relationship to Truth...Pillar and Foundation.


chestertonian said...

Welcome to the wonderful world of blogdom, Matt!

Matt said...

Thanks Sean, I appreciate it. I've been enjoying your blog immensely and I decided to move mine from my old location to this one to make it more convenient. Thanks for stopping by!